Success Stories

Our success stories begin with a medical challenge and finish with a happy and healthy outcome. Being a part of a family reunion is incredibly rewarding. We do what we do because we love animals and know how integral to your family they are.
There is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a dog or kitty and the grateful face of a pet owner once a crisis is over.
We cannot do what we do alone. We owe our success stories to an extremely generous community made up of loving pet parents, caring and trusted veterinarians, and supporters whose donations fund our grants.
90% of each dollar raised through donations is re-gifted to save a life.
Here are some of the furry faces that we - and you - have helped to heal. I know they join me in saying Thank You!

Meet Flopsy
A 12 year old, female Maltese, diagnosed with a melanoma of the left eye, Flopsy’s mom, Ms. F, is 84 years old, has memory issues, is a victim of elder abuse, has no funds, and is under Public Guardian Conservatorship. Her Conservator is Jennifer. Sage Compassion for Animals worked with Jennifer to get a referral to Animal Eye Specialists. Jennifer worked with the county to approve funding for Flopsy, only to find that there was only $120 left - which needed to be saved for updated vaccines and microchip. SageC4A contributed $2500 towards her surgery.
“I am so grateful to Sage Compassion for Animals for getting Flopsy the care that she desperately needed. Flopsy is a huge comfort and support for Ms. F” - Jennifer
Meet Molly
A toolbox fell on Molly while she was visiting a friend and it broke rear leg! Molly’s family was already suffering from the loss of their father and their 16-year-old daughter’s recent diagnosis with cancer. Molly’s pet mom was faced with the decision to consider giving Molly away or euthanasia. We helped them find a veterinarian and funded a grant to get Molly the surgery she needed.
Meet Baffy
Baffy is a service animal for an autistic family member. Baffy was staying with a relative when he broke his rear leg and needed surgery. This happened during COVID and the family was facing economic challenges. We helped Baffy receive the orthopedic surgery he needed and he was home to celebrate his 1-year birthday!
Meet Boots
The first cat awarded a grant by SAGEC4A in 2021! Boots was 11 months old when he developed Feline Lower Urinary Track Disease. His pet mom, Emily, thought she was going to have to say goodbye because she couldn’t afford the surgery to save his life. “It was a traumatizing and crazy experience, but I am thankful everything worked out. Boots is even more lovable since surgery, which makes him even cuter!” - Emily
Meet Nala
Nala started vomiting and x-rays showed foreign material causing intestinal blockage Surgery was performed to remove the material – and she was spayed too! Nala is back home hanging out with her Yorkie friend, Sophie. Her pet mom wrote “Everything was happening so fast I couldn’t let my poor Nala suffer in pain. Thank you for giving Nala another chance in life!”
Meet Luna
Only a couple of months after she was adopted, Luna suffered a severe injury to her eye. Surgery was needed to remove the eye as it was painful and no longer visual. After surgery, the family wrote: “Thank you! Sage’s generous donation for Luna’s eye surgery means the world to us. Because of you, Luna can continue to thrive and we can continue to provide her a loving, nurturing, and healthy home. We are so lucky to have you as a donor. Your organization’s generosity and commitment to helping our furry friends enable families like us who are not able to carry the financial burden. Thank you again for giving Luna a chance. Luna is smiling today because you made it possible for her recovery.”
Meet Simba
Simba, just 3 months old, took a tumble off the bed. Being a little poodle, that was a pretty far height still and unfortunately, he broke his back leg! The femur or thigh bone no less! The team at Silicon Valley Pet Clinic was able to schedule a surgeon to come and repair the leg, but Simba’s pet parents didn’t have the money to cover the surgical costs. Sage Compassion for Animals was contacted and was able to fund the repair. Simba is now home recovering from the surgery on his leg – and he was neutered too!
Meet Charles
Charles reminds his pet mom of a very tiny Chewbacca! One day she noticed that he had was straining to urinate and then vomited. She took Charles to the emergency veterinarian and they found multiple bladder stones - one had lodged in his urethra and was now blocking urination. The ER team was able to unblock Charles with a urinary catheter, but the stones were still there and likely causing an infection,’ at risk for blockage again unless they were surgically removed. Charles’ pet mom found the team at Monument Boulevard Animal Hospital to do the surgery, but needed financial assistance. Sage Compassion for Animals provided the grant and Charles had his surgery to remove the stones – and also to have them analyzed to prevent recurrence in the future!
Meet Gigi
Gigi was pregnant, but her pet mom did not know that there was an issue until it was too late and the puppies had died and were causing an infection. Gigi’s pet mom brought her to the team at Vets in Vans, a mobile non-profit veterinary clinic, because she was unhoused and did not have sufficient funds to pay for the surgery Gigi desperately needed. Vets in Vans reached out to SAGE Compassion for Animals to obtain funds to get Gigi’s surgery done right away. Gigi’s surgery went well and she is now back with her pet mom!
Gigi is pictured with Dr. Lauren Park, one of founders of Vets in Vans, providing comprehensive veterinary services, with employees trained in social service.
Meet Sigyn
Meet little Sigyn, a 7 month old Pomski! Her name comes from Norse mythology, Sigyn is Loki’s wife and she does live with Loki (another Pomski) and Odin (an American PitBull). Being a young little puppy, she got under foot and was stepped on!! Unfortunately, her femur bone in her back leg was broken and needed surgery to repair. The team at East Hills Veterinary Hospital was able to perform the surgery, and reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals to assist with the costs. Sigyn is back at home, but has to be confined to a small area while the bones knit together. She does not mind much because she hates the rain and is fine to stay indoors and avoid the atmospheric river!
Meet Ruca
Ruca’s pet dad was beside himself after taking her to the veterinarian on emergency. They diagnosed Ruca with a pyometra (infected uterus) and her pet dad could not afford the surgery that night. Ruca was referred to the team at Vets In Vans the next morning and SAGE Compassion for Animals was able to secure a grant for Ruca’s surgery to happen that day! Ruca has to wear the giant plastic cone – but she is now home with her pet dad who is over the moon!
Meet Prietita
Prietita, a 10-year-old Pom-A-Poo, started scooting and seemed to have an irritated rear end. Her pet parents knew the signs as she had urinary tract infections in the past – this time it was associated with bladder stones. The stones needed to be removed and cultured to make sure the infection is cleared, but Prietita’s pet parents didn’t have the funding for the surgery. Vets In Vans reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals and we secured the funding and they performed the surgery. Bladder stones in dogs can happen due to an underlying infection and/or diet related – a lot of times both treatment for the infection and a diet change is needed to prevent recurrence.
Meet Papas
Papas, a 9 month old male Tabby, had been missing for 4 days and his pet family was very worried! They were right to worry, because when he came home, his jaw had been broken! He needed surgery to be able to eat! The team at Vets In Vans were able to perform the surgery, and reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals to help with the funding. Papas is doing well at home, but because he was also neutered at the time of his jaw surgery, he won’t be able to be a papas himself!
Meet Lola
Lola, an 8 year old female Yorkshire Terrier, started vomiting for the last couple of days and her pet mom noted that a swelling in her groin had started to grow during that time. Dr. Park at Vets In Vans examined Lola and new right away that she had a hernia in her groin region (inguinal hernia) and that a loop of bowel had been caught causing the vomiting. Lola was in need of surgery right away or the segment of intestine could die! Sage Compassion for Animals was able to approve a grant for the surgery to take place that day. Lola recovered well – and was even spayed at the same time!
Meet King Tank
King Tank was hit by a car just before Christmas and suffered injuries to both his back legs. One leg had significant wounds and the other leg had a hip luxation. The team at San Francisco SPCA worked hard and after multiple bandage changes and lots of care, the wounds had healed. Unfortunately, the hip had popped back out and now needed surgery. King Tank’s pet mom reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals as she had used up her money for all the care that King Tank had already gotten. SAGEC4A was able to supply the needed grant for the hip surgery and King Tank hopes to be able to get back on the beach soon!
Meet Chundi
Chundi started to strain to urinate and only pass small amounts of urine and he was diagnosed with urinary obstruction due to Feline Interstitial Cystitis. This problem is the most common problem Sage Compassion for Animals funds for cats – it is that common and Chundi wasn’t even 2 years old when he started to have signs. Chundi’s pet parent took him to the emergency room and he had to be unblocked twice before being able to get the surgery he needed with the team at Happy Valley Pet Hospital. The surgery, a perineal urethrostomy, creates a larger opening for Chundi to urinate through so he doesn’t block again. The surgery was very successful and the only down side is that Chundi has to wear his very stylish elizabethan collar for 2 weeks!
Meet Nora
If Nora looks worried to you, its because she is! Her pet mom had brought her to the emergency room because she had stopped eating – but more scary! – was that she started vomiting and it wouldn’t stop. Radiographs at the emergency hospital indicated that likely she ate something that she shouldn’t have and was causing an obstruction in her intestines that required surgery. Nora’s pet mom had been in and out of veterinarians offices that past week because she couldn’t afford care and now Nora’s been definitively diagnosed and her pet mom knows that supportive care won’t work. The Vets in Vans team reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals for funding and were able to do the surgery right away. They removed a child’s toy ball – a niece had visited right before Nora stopped eating. Luckily, Nora received the surgery she needed and is home recuperating!
It is so important to supervise young children with pets – especially young dogs that might not be used to them, but do have a propensity to eat things that they shouldn’t!
Meet Mochi
Mochi is a young male cat, but already is having problems urinating and straining in the litter box. He was diagnosed with Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease and was blocked and could not urinate! Mochi needed to be unblocked under sedation and then have some intravenous fluids to flush out his system. The team at Ark Veterinary Care was able to provide those services late on a Friday night – and even able to neuter him at the same time! – but Mochi’s pet mom did not have the necessary funds. Sage Compassion for Animals was able to fund the needed services and Mochi did well and was able to go home a couple days later.
Meet Chapito
Chapito is a 9 month old male Bulldog. His pet parents saw a lot of blood one day and then noted it was coming from Chapito’s penis when he got excited. The doctor at Alta View Animal Hospital diagnosed a urethral prolapse – which is common in young male Bulldogs and requires surgery to remove the bleeding tip, along with neutering to prevent recurrence. A mobile surgeon was able to come into the veterinary practice to perform this surgery, but Chapito’s pet parents did not have the funding. Sage Compassion for Animals was able to provide the funding needed so that the surgery was scheduled and Chapito is home with his loving family!
Meet Princess Leia
Princess Leia is an important part of her family – not only does she snuggle with the kids, but she serves as an emotional support animal for her pet dad who is on disability. He was devastated when she was playing one day and managed to hit her head on a table and damage her eye. The damage was so severe, that the veterinarian recommended Princess Leia have her eye removed so that the pain could be controlled. The family found Sage Compassion for Animals to help fund the surgery and the team at Quito Veterinary Hospital provided the care. Now Princess Leia is at home giving snuggles to everyone!
Meet Coco
Coco is a young male cat that already had one bout of urinary obstruction, but now is at PETS Referral Center with another! The team was able to unblock Coco, but there was concern that he would re-block sometime in the future. The veterinarian was recommending surgery, a perineal urethrostomy, to create a larger opening for Coco to urinary through to avoid blocking again. Coco’s pet family did not have the funds for a surgery, so they reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals for assistance. Coco had his surgery and is at home – he cannot wait to have his e-collar off!
Urinary obstruction and blockage in male cats continues to be the most common procedure that SageC4A funds for. This is a potentially life threatening condition that can cost several thousands of dollars – and a very good reason to consider pet insurance early on when adopting a male cat!
Meet Salty
Salty is an older Poodle gentleman that just slipped on the floor and ended up popping out his hip joint! He was taken to emergency where they popped the hip back in, but unfortunately, it came right out again and Salty needed surgery to get him out of pain. While he was awaiting his first surgery, he slipped again and popped out the other hip??!! Oh no! Salty’s pet parents had the funding for one surgical procedure at the VCA Animal Care Clinic, but not the other! Sage Compassion for Animals was able to grant funding for the second operation which was scheduled after Salty had recovered from his first surgery. Whew – what an ordeal! But now, Salty is home and getting around well on both his rear legs!
Meet Astro
Astro, a German Shepherd/Husky mix, was only 3-months-old when his pet parents noted a swelling associated with one of his testicles. The doctors at Quito Veterinary Hospital were quick to diagnose an inguinal hernia – so contents from Astro’s abdomen were exiting out an opening and into his scrotal sac!! This was scary as the contents could twist and cause severe problems, so surgical correction, including neutering, was recommended. Unfortunately, the doctors also noted a quiet murmur that Astro had during a physical. Dogs that have a congenital problem (something that they are born with), such as a hernia, can also have other defects that involve other organs, such as the heart. Astro had an ultrasound of his heart and thankfully, didn’t reveal any other serious issues!! His surgery was a success and now he is back home with his family recuperating.
Meet Feetie
Freya Stinky Feet Girl (aka Feetie) was just 8 months old when she fell from the roof of her canine siblings crates where her food had been placed. Unfortunately, her leg got caught on the way down and she fractured of her rear leg!! Feetie’s pet mom was devastated as Feetie had come to her just before losing her older cat and Feetie was her “angel kitten”. The Dr. Danny and team at East Hills Veterinary Hospital had to amputate Feetie’s rear leg because the fracture was so severe. Sage Compassion for Animals was able to provide funding for the surgery – and also made sure that Feetie was spayed as well. Feetie is recovering, getting back to following her pet mom around the house, and getting her favorite treat – turkey!
Meet Smokey
Smokey is just 1 year-old, but already has been in a severe accident. Smokey’s pet parent found him one morning having difficulty walking and blood on his fur after being outside – he had been hit by a car and had a severe fracture that was found by the team at SAGE Veterinary Centers Concord. The fracture was so severe that bone was sticking out of Smokey’s skin and concern for infection and healing so great that amputation was recommended. Smokey’s pet parents just had the funds to stabilize him after arrival – Sage Compassion for Animals was able to fund the surgery (including being neutered!) needed to get Smokey home!
Smokey had been a “free kitten” from a friend and he had not been neutered. Spaying and neutering your pets not only helps with health conditions, but also can prevent the tendency to wander.
Meet Pluto
Pluto is a 5-month-old Yorkshire puppy that was being cuddled by his pet parents friend when he jumped from their arms and screamed out when he landed! His pet mom rushed him to ARK Veterinary Care where they diagnosed him with a fractured back leg!! Pluto needed surgery, but his pet mom didn’t have the funding. Sage Compassion for Animals was contacted and we were able to fund the surgery needed to repair the fracture – and get Pluto neutered at the same time!
Remember that little puppies can be wiggly, and making sure that they are secure in your arms when holding is very important. It is especially important to supervise children when they pick up a puppy or kitten as they can easily be dropped and severely injured!
Meet Kaori
Meet Kaori, the spirited 6-year-old Akita! Shortly after settling into their new home, Kaori faced a tragic accident, getting hit by a car right in front of their doorstep. Kaori's mom rushed her to Sage Veterinary Centers, where multiple fractures were diagnosed. Faced with unexpected and expensive treatment costs, Kaori's mom sought financial assistance. Sage Compassion for Animals, along with other generous aid, stepped in to provide the necessary support. This case truly took a village, and witnessing Kaori's successful surgery and joyful recovery fuels SAGEC4A's commitment to helping pets like her. Now, Kaori is back home, happily recovering with her loving family!
Meet Azraiel
Azraiel underwent surgery to remove bladder stones. His owner noticed he was frequently using the litter box and rushed him to VCA Encina Veterinary Medical Center, where the stones were discovered.
Thanks to our generous supporters, the surgery went smoothly and Azraiel is now recovering well at home.
“I cannot begin to express from the bottom of our hearts, me my partner, and Azraiel, how grateful we are to sage, and to everybody out there who donates please know your donations go to people who really need it..” - Azraiel’s Family
Meet Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman, a sweet 5-year-old Pug who recently faced a serious health issue. Her owner noticed a prolapse. This was accompanied by some blood and decreased energy.
After being examined by Dr. Lauren Park and receiving supportive medications, it was clear that Wonder Woman needed urgent surgery. Her owner, facing financial constraints, reached out to us for help. Thanks to our generous supporters, Sage Compassion for Animals was able to provide a grant for her surgery.
Wonder Woman is now on the road to recovery and is expected to bounce back soon. A big thank you to Vets in Vans for their excellent care.
Meet Zelda
Zelda faced a big challenge after she was hit by a car, leaving her with a badly injured ankle joint that wouldn't heal properly. Despite weeks of care, it became clear that removing the damaged leg was the best way to give her a pain-free life.
Zelda’s family wanted to make sure she received the best care but needed help with the cost. That’s when they reached out to Sage Compassion for Animals for financial assistance. Thanks to our financial support and the skilled team at East Bay SPCA, Zelda underwent a successful surgery and is now on her way to recovery!
With everyone’s help, Zelda is back to her playful, loving self, enjoying life again!
Meet Loui
Loui recently faced a serious health scare when his family noticed he was struggling to urinate. After a trip to VCA Lewelling Animal Hospital, he was diagnosed with bladder stones, which could have caused a dangerous blockage.
Thanks to our support, and the expert care from Veterinary Emergency Group in San Ramon, Loui was able to undergo the life-saving cystotomy surgery.
From Loui’s family: "Thank you so very much, Sage and VEG. You are a true blessing. Thanks to you, Loui is safe, and we can finally breathe again."
Meet Bandit
Bandit was diagnosed with an intestinal obstruction. After initial exams showed something stuck in his intestines, his family rushed him to Veterinary Emergency Group in San Ramon for further care.
Thanks to our support and Veterinary Emergency Group in San Ramon, Bandit received the treatment he needed and is now on the road to recovery!
From Bandit’s family: “I was extremely blessed to receive this help and wish to pay it forward in the future. ”
Despite being annoyed by his cone, Bandit is doing well and getting back to his playful self!