Veterinary and Community Partners

We partner with veterinary practices in the nine counties of the San Francisco Bay Area to help provide financial assistance to your clients in need that have a companion animal in an acute medical crisis. Our strategy of working directly with veterinary teams helps us to manage our funding so that we know that the pets we support have the opportunity to live long healthy lives. We support our veterinarian partners by combatting one of the most significant causes of well-being issues within the industry, and a higher-than-average rate of suicide in the profession. By helping pay for the costs of services, veterinarians and their teams are free to practice at the highest level and can provide appropriate care to their patients.

If you are interested in being recognized as a Sage Compassion for Animals Veterinary Partner,  please contact us and we will be happy to discuss!

In order for a grant to be issued, a pet parent needs to apply through our website portal.  They will be asked questions that will require answers that you will need to provide:

Veterinary care provider must provide all of the following:

  • A definitive diagnosis

  • A prognosis (long-term and short-term)

  • Medical records to support diagnosis and prognosis

  • A recommended treatment plan

  • An itemized estimate for a recommended treatment plan

  • Consent for Sage Compassion for Animals to publicize case for marketing purposes (SAGE Compassion for Animals can withhold hospital name if requested)

Once a grant is approved, we will send an agreement document for the pet parent and you to review and sign.  Once that is completed, a check will be issued directly to your clinic.

Join Our Veterinary Partners

Thank You Veterinary Partners!

Thank You Community Partners!

Our Community Partners help us to fulfill our mission and vision. It takes many individuals and groups within a community to come together to fund and support pet families in need. Our partners come from the Animal Welfare, Human Welfare and Business Communities and include Foundations and philanthropists that support the work we do.

We are always looking to partner with new animal advocacy groups, shelter and rescue organizations, businesses, social service, and other non-profits that provide support to people that are struggling to make ends meet while obtaining the veterinary care their beloved pet needs. If you are interested in partnering with us or know of a group that we should learn more about, please contact our Executive Director to discuss!